Hi, I am Susannah Rachel and I have been illustrating professionally for 3 years. I like to create lots of different pieces, whether that be editorial, for books or personal portraits. I am currently working on my Masters in Illustration at Falmouth University.

I use procreate to produce all my pieces, I tend to make lots of layers for each piece and I like to try and capture feelings and emotions. I love artists like Keith Harring, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Georgia O'Keeffe, Jackson Pollock and Frida Kahlo.

I Also have a love for Children's Illustrated Books. Anthony Browne, Marta Antelo and Jon Klassen being my favourites.
In December 2020 I was commissioned to illustrate a Family book called The Rainbow Christmas by the Liverpool based Charity THE ADVENT BANK. I was given a 2 week deadline to finish the project and managed to accomplish something beyond what was initially expected.

I also suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis. The word arthritis is used to describe pain, swelling and stiffness in a joint or joints. Arthritis isn’t a single condition and there are several different types.

Around 10 million people in the UK are thought to have arthritis. It can affect people of all ages – even children and teenagers. Some forms of arthritis are more common in older people. If you have pain in or around a joint or joints that doesn’t go away after a few days, you should see a doctor. Finding out what’s causing your pain is key to finding the right treatment and self-help options.

Although there’s no cure for arthritis, treatments have improved greatly in recent years and, for many types of arthritis, particularly inflammatory arthritis, there’s a clear benefit in starting treatment at an early stage.

You may notice a lot of my illustrations deal with loss and grief. The reason being is that I lost my dear beloved Sister Deb in 2012. Her passing hit our family extremely hard and the pain we all feel is still as strong today as it was on the day she left this planet. I as many do, develop coping mechanisms to deal with the loss of someone so close. Drawing and creating helps me fill the huge hole I have in my heart.

The grief associated with death is familiar to most people, but individuals grieve in connection with a variety of losses throughout their lives, such as unemployment, ill health or the end of a relationship. Loss can be categorized as either physical or abstract. Physical loss is related to something that the individual can touch or measure—such as losing a spouse through death—while other types of loss are more abstract, possibly relating to aspects of a person's social interactions.

If you would like to talk about Grief, Art, Arthritis, Pain Managment, or anything, I am free and willing to talk.

If you would like to get in touch with me for commissions, collaborations or ordering prints then feel free to send me an message through the contact page.

Thanks for visiting my Site.

SR x
illustration of woman hugging child illustration of woman looking into mirror crying, with a zoomed in image of a locket containg pictures of family illustration of woman crossed legged sat on a floating cloud